Unified exists to join where the Lord is moving, putting our hands to the plow to meet the needs the Holy Spirit highlights. As the living, breathing body of Christ, we come from churches, home groups, businesses, and non-profits across the Columbus area to promote unity, healing, and transformation through Christ-centered worship and outreach.
Since 2020, we’ve partnered with over 50 churches and non-profits to host 22 gatherings, bringing believers together to share the love of Jesus in public spaces. Whether through worship, the arts, or serving practical needs, we are committed to being His hands and feet wherever He leads.
Join us in amplifying gospel-centered unity and meeting the current needs of our city today!
The Classic
For Columbus
2021 statehouse event
Youth & Young Adult Led

Interested in joining one of our event teams (i.e. Church Connections, Worship Team, Dance, Arts, Sound, Staging, Corporate Sponsorship, Administrative, Greeting, Parking, Advertising, or Live Streaming)? Fill out the below form and we will be in touch.

Statement of Faith
The Bible is the inspired, accurate and authoritative Word of God and because of this, we can trust it and put it to use in our everyday lives.
God has always existed. No one created Him. He is the Creator. He has revealed Himself as the one true God existing in three distinct Persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
Sin separated all of us from God and His perfect design for our lives.
Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. He is the only way, truth and life and no one can be made right with God again except through Him. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross in our place for our sins, rose again to life, and ascended to heaven.
Salvation is the forgiveness of our sins. Through salvation, we are made right with God again. We receive salvation by grace through faith in Jesus.
Jesus established His church for the purpose of reaching the lost. He is continually building His church by believers regularly meeting together for worship, fellowship, instruction in the Word of God, service and evangelism.
Water baptism is for every believer to make a public declaration of the inward change that has taken place.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is for all believers to receive power for life and service. The Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts as detailed in I Corinthians 12 to use for the purpose of ministering to others.
God has a perfect plan and purpose for our lives and by His grace our relationship with Him grows in love and maturity.
Each person will exist forever with God or separated from Him depending on our response to the gift of salvation He offers.
Jesus will return for His Church. This is The Blessed Hope.